Friday 14 August 2015


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela .he was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary, politician and philanthropist he is a first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. he was born in 18 July 1918 and died on on 5 December 2013 He was the country's first black chief executive, and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election. His aim to finish aparthied thorugh tackling institutionalized racism and fostering racial reconciliation. Politically an African nationalist and democratic socialist, he served as President of the African National Congress ANC party from 1991 to 1997. Internationally, Mandela was Secretary General of the Non-Aligned Movement from 1998 to 1999.

27 years spend mandela in prison, instarting on Robben Island, and after that the Victor Verster and Pollsmoor Prison Prison. An international campaign lobbied for his release, which was electd in 1990 amid escalating civil strife. Mandela joined meeting with National Party President F. W. de Klerk to abolish apartheid and establish multiracial elections in 1994, in which he led the ANC to victory to first time and became South Africa's first black president. He autobiography is being published in 1995. He led South Africa's Government of National Unity and promulgated a new constitution. He also created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate past human rights abuses. While continuing with the former government's economic liberalism, his administration also introduced measures to encourage land reform, fight with poverty, and expand healthcare services. Internationally, he acted as mediator between Libya and the United Kingdom in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing trial, and oversaw military intervention in Lesotho. He refused to run for a second term, and was succeeded by his deputy, Thabo Mbeki Mandela is became an elder statesman, Nelson Mandela Foundation help to Thabo Mbeki Mandela to work on charitable work in combating poverty and HIV/AIDS .

Early life

Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 at village (Mvezo in Umtata), after that a part of South Africa's Cape Province. . Name of mandela is a name king's sons, , became Nelson's grandfather and the source of his surname. Because Mandela was only a person or a king's that child by a wife of the Ixhiba clan, a so-called "Left-Hand House", the descendants of his cadet branch of the royal family were morganatic, ineligible to inherit the throne but recognised as hereditary royal councillors. Given the forename Rolihlahla, a Xhosa term colloquially meaning "troublemaker", in later years he became known by his clan name, Madiba. His patrilineal great-grandfather, Ngubengcuka, was ruler of the Thembu people in the Transkeian Territories of South Africa's modern Eastern Cape province. His father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa, was a local chief and councillor to the monarch; he had been appointed to the position in 1915, after his predecessor was accused of corruption by a governing white magistrate. In 1926 Gadla was also sacked for corruption, but Nelson was told that he had lost his job for standing up to the magistrate's unreasonable demands. A devotee of the god Qamata, Gadla was a polygamist, having four wives, four sons and nine daughters, who lived in different villages. Gadla's is a mother of Nelson and she as athrid wife , Nosekeni Fanny, was daughter of Nkedama of the Right Hand House and a member of the amaMpemvu clan of Xhosa.

ULater stating that his early life was dominated by "custom, ritual and taboo", Mandela grew up with two sisters in his mother's kraal in the village of Qunu, where he tended herds as a cattle-boy, spending much time outside with other boys. parents of mandela were illiterate, but being a devout Christian, his mother sent him to a local Methodist school when he was about seven. Baptised a Methodist, Mandela forename "Nelson" given by his teacher. When Mandela was about nine, his father came to stay at Qunu, where he died of an undiagnosed ailment which Mandela believed to be lung disease. Feeling "cut adrift", he later said that he inherited his father's "proud rebelliousness" and "stubborn sense of fairness".

The mother of mandela send him to the "Great Place" palace at Mqhekezweni, where he was reffered him under the patronage of Thembu regent, . his mother will not see again for many years by him, Mandela felt that Jongintaba and his wife Noengland treated him as their own child, raising him alongside their son Justice and daughter Nomafu. As Mandela visit church to attend services usually every Sunday with his guardians,


Mandela aim to gain skills needed to become a privy Councillor for the Thembu royal house, Mandela secondary education starting at Clarkebury Methodist High School Engcobo, a Western-style institution that was the largest school for black Africans in Thembuland. Made to socialize with other students on an equal basis,and try to finish his apartheid he claimed that he lost his "stuck up" attitude, becoming best friends with a girl for the first time; he began playing sports and developed his lifelong love of gardening. Completing his Junior Certificate in two years, in 1937 he moved to Healdtown, the Methodist college in Fort Beaufort attended by most Thembu royalty, including Justice. The headmaster emphasized the superiority of English culture and government, but Mandela became increasingly interested in native African culture, making his first non-Xhosa friend, a Sotho language-speaker, and coming under the influence of one of his favorite teachers, a Xhosa who broke taboo by marrying a Sotho. Spending much of his spare time long-distance running and boxing, in his second year Mandela became a prefect.

Four years later, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali was made Prime Minister by Governor General of Pakistan Iskander Mirza in 1955, after the removal of Muhammad Ali Bogra. While Prime Minister, Ali's greatest achievement was the formation of a new constitution for Pakistan, one that made it a republic in 1956. The constitution was extremely famous across Pakistan, and intended to mix democracy and Islam.

Four years later, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali was made Prime Minister by Governor General of Pakistan Iskander Mirza in 1955, after the removal of Muhammad Ali Bogra. While Prime Minister, Ali's greatest achievement was the formation of a new constitution for Pakistan, one that made it a republic in 1956. The constitution was extremely famous across Pakistan, and intended to mix democracy and Islam.


Despite this success, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali failed at healing rifts within his political party, the Muslim League. Splits within the party led to the formation of a new party, the Republican party. The new party claimed to hold the majority of seats in the National Assembly, while the Muslim League contested this and tried to have Ali check the Republican Party. Despite the demands of his own party, Ali would refuse claiming that as Prime Minister, the interests of the nation, and not of his party were primary to him. As the situation deteriorated, he resigned from both the position of Prime Minister, and from the Muslim League.

Chaudhry Muhammad Ali, however, could not come up to the bargaining and the deals necessary to reconcile the various interest groups into accepting the One Unit and the adoption of the Constitution. He proved to be a poor politician who failed to control his own party. This ultimately led to his downfall. His greatest blunder was the selection of Dr. Khan Sahib as Chief Minister of the Unified Province of West Pakistan, despite the opposition of the Muslim League. Dr. Khan Sahib was an old Congressman who had opposed the creation of Pakistan, therefore the Muslim League opposed his appointment. Dr. Khan Sahib, however, enjoyed the support of the President Iskander Mirza. He dropped Muslim League members from his cabinet, and by bringing the dissident Muslim Leagues and other supporters, formed his own party, the Republican Party.

In the Central Government, the Muslim League shared power as a major component of the coalition without being in office in any province. The Republican Party kept growing in number and claimed to be the single largest party in the National Assembly. Prime Minister Chaudhry Muhammad Ali was urged by the Muslim League to act against the West Pakistan Ministry. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali believed that as a Prime Minister, his actions should be governed by the good of the country and not by the resolution of any party. He believed that he was responsible only to the Cabinet and the Parliament. Thus, he refused the demands of the Muslim League. Disgusted with the scenario, Chaudhry Muhammad Ali resigned as a Prime Minister on September 8, 1956, also resigning from his membership of the Muslim League at the same time. His decision to resign of his own accord is considered as a unique example of political decorum in the history of Pakistan.



Died: December 2, 1980, Karachi


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